Trust and Safety Policy 
Rules of Behavior

"Huli ke alo i ka paia."
Turn the face to the wall.
To go to sleep with one's face to the wall is an indication of confidence in one's safety.
‘Ōlelo No‘eau #1139
Ē Ala! by Pai ‘Ike (Ē Ala!) is a place to  gather, share, learn, celebrate, and be inspired by 'Ikena Hawai'i. Therefore we live and promote Hawaiian Values throughout our hālau and kaiāulu. By doing so, we create a vibrant and sustainable marketplace for Kumu to share and haumana to grow. We are committed to ensuring that all that come to our hālau have inspiring learning and sharing experiences.

This Trust and Safety Policy covers the ground rules for User conduct and safety procedures Ē Ala! has incorporated to ensure the safety of all Users of our platform. Unless we link to a different policy, or state otherwise, this Trust and Safety Policy applies to all Users. By using the Services provided here on Ē Ala!, you agree to the terms of this Trust and Safety Policy and to abide by the applicable User Conduct and Behavior Rules.

Trust and Safety Policy

  • Be Pono: We want our kaiāulu to be a safe place to share and grow. Promote healthy interaction and be honest with feedback. Be respectful, honest and considerate of others by being a positive member of our kaiāulu.
  • Don't Ho'olaha: Haumana come to Ē Ala! to be inspired by Hawaiian Traditions. Kumu come to Ē Ala! because they love what they do and wish to share their skills and knowledge. Once you access Ē Ala!'s platform, you are not allowed to sell other products or spam users of Ē Ala!'s platform services with requests or offers.
  • Report Any Ho'ohala:  If anything seems like a violation of any of our legal terms and policies, or you have a question about our legal terms and policies, let us know.  Someone on our team will review your report, answer your questions, and determine if there has been a violation.
Any violation of Ē Ala!'s legal terms and policies may result in restrictions against your account, up to and including a ban from our platform.

Student Conduct and Rules of Behavior

"Ku i ka māna."
Like the one from whom he received what he learned.
'Ōlelo No'eau # 1875
A haumana is a student or learner.  As a haumana, you are responsible for all activities on the platform.  This includes the content in your posts, reviews, questions, messages, assignment submittals and other content you share.

As a haumana, you not only agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, you agree (as part of this Trust and Safety Policy) that you will not:
  • post any content or information that is inappropriate, offensive, racist, hateful, sexist, racially or ethically objectionable, pornographic, false, misleading, incorrect, infringing, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, relating to or encouraging unlawful acts in any manner;
  • post  any content or information that harms minors in any fashion;
  • engage in activity that would require us to obtain a license from or pay royalties to any third-party which is a violation of our Intellectual Property Policy;
  • impersonate another person, gain unauthorized access to another's account, or otherwise deceive or mislead others abut the origin of the content or information you post;
  • frame or embed Ē Ala! Services elsewhere, or circumvent our Services; or
  • abuse Ē Ala! resources and support services.

Kumu Conduct and Rules of Behavior

"Hū ka wai i ke pili."
The water overflows to the pili grass..
'Ōlelo No'eau # 1134
Kumu are an amazing component to the learning experience on Ē Ala! with skills, talent, and knowledge that engage haumana.  There are different types of Users that fall under our hui of Kumu.  As a part of Ē Ala!'s hui of Kumu (Hui), you not only agree all our legal terms and policies governing your role as a User and Kumu, you agree (as part of this Trust and Safety Policy) to maintain a level of conduct both on and off of our platform that supports the values of Ē Ala! and its online learning community.

Members of our Hui who are found to be engaging in, or censured for, activities that could negatively impact our User trust may face a review of their account status.  This includes, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Criminal or unlawful conduct,
  • hateful or discriminatory conduct or speech, or
  • spreading disinformation or misinformation.

In order to maintain a high integrity in our Hui, members of our hui of Kumu agree to complete our Identity Verification process a course can be published to the Course Catalog or offered anywhere on our platform, including to hosted private communities.

In addition, Hui members agree to abide by the Trust and Safety Policy contained in the Terms of their Program and understand that we reserve the right to remove content, suspend transfers, and/or ban members for any reason at any time, without prior notice in cases where:
  • a Kumu or course content does not comply with our legal terms and policies;
  • your content or content in interaction with other Users falls below our quality standards or has a negative impact on a User's experience;
  • you engage in behavior that might reflect unfavorably on Ē Ala! or bring Ē Ala!' into public disrepute, contempt, scandal, or ridicule;
  • you use Ē Ala! Services in a way that constitutes unfair competition, such as promotion of an off-site business in a way that violates Ē Ala! policies;
  • violate the conditions of the Community Terms and Guidelines in the use of Ē Ala!'s discussion boards or messaging services; or 
  • your actions violate the privacy of a User by accessing or using personal data of a User for any purposes other than to provide service to those Users on Ē Ala!, which include, but are not limited to, sharing of personal information obtained from our platform, solicitation of additional personal data, and the storage of a User's personal data outside of our platform.

Updated August 16,2022