Do You Want To Be Inspired?

At E Ala!, we make Hawaiian focused education accessible for students of all ages.

The Only Hawaii Focused Online Learning Academy

E Ala! by Pai 'Ike was created to address the need for culturally grounded learning materials and online learning opportunities in both community and academic environments.  It is the mission of E Ala! to create a space to gather, share learn, celebrate, and be inspired by 'Ikena Hawai'i by providing a platform for the creation of educational content and materials by skilled and knowledgeable individuals to share with a community of learners.

Hawaii Focused Learning

All courses are grounded in Hawaiian culture and knowledge with content that connect learners to traditional ways of knowing and doing in a virtual environment.

Workshops and Blended Learning Opportunities.

We feature a series of special workshops led by our kumu and guest presenters.  Our Kumu-guided courses have regularly scheduled class meetings that provide virtual interaction and support.

Peer Learning

Our learners benefit from enhanced peer engagement, no matter their age.
Each course has a built-in class discussion board in addition to the Kāiaulu forums and groups.

Flexible Learning Options

Are you an independent learner who wants to learn on your own time, or do you like learning in a scheduled course with teacher guidance and interaction?  Enroll in a guided course or an independent study course.  Either way, you make the choice. 

Core Features

Awesome features for online education.
  • Waihona:  Online Library
  • Virtual Notebooks
  • Easy to Navigate Course Player
  • Community Forums with paid subscription.

Video Conferencing

Enhanced virtual programs allowing  learners to access high-quality live sessions and course instruction.

Our Partnerships

We have teamed up with amazing businesses and organizations to offer culturally grounded learning experiences.

Meet Our Kumu

Our kumu are dedicated to bringing quality courses that are engaging and inspiring.  Meet our talented kumu with extensive practical and specific knowledge in their fields.
Meet our world-class team of instructors

Ilima Choy

Don't hesitate

Explore our super creative courses now!

Frequently asked questions

How long do I have access to a course?

When you enroll in a course you are granted an unlimited access to that course.  If you subscribe to a membership, you have unlimited access to the content that comes with the membership as long as your membership is active.

What types of courses can I enroll in?

All courses on E Ala! by Pai 'Ike are focused on Hawaiian knowledge, culture, and traditions.  Our catalog has two types of courses free and premium.  Free courses are free to access if you are a Registered User of E Ala!, and premium courses have a fee to access the course.

Among our courses, you will find:
  • Singles:  Mini courses with a single activity.
  • Independent Study:  On-Demand courses that allow you to learn at your own pace.
  • Session-Term:  Courses that have an enrollment period, instruction start and end date, and Kumu/Instructor interaction.

I want to learn with my 'ohana.  Can we do that?  

Yes you can!  You can purchase our Hālau E Ala! Hui Plan.  This gives you access to our Hālau at a discounted price.

I enrolled in a course, but I don't think it is the right course for me.  How can I get a refund?

We want you to be happy with your learning experience on E Ala! by Pai 'Ike.  When you access the content of a course your purchased, you will be asked to confirm that you agree to the terms of the course.  Most courses come with a refund period of 15 days as long as you have not accessed the course.  Our Session Term courses have established withdrawal periods that indicate the withdrawal period along with the percentage of the course fee that can be returned.  Certain restrictions may apply and some purchases may only be eligible for a credit on future purchases.  Please read our Refund Policy and carefully check out the terms of your course before accessing it for more information.